Saturday, January 29, 2011

Welcome Friends

So, after much debate, I decided to share my blog with the Facebook world. Really, I just figured a follower or two would be nice. I guess I am needy. Don't judge me.

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I don't know what day it is...

Wow, looks like I fell off the planet for a while there. I think every day since my last entry I said that I would update 'tomorrow'. A lot of 'tomorrow's' have passes since then, but fear no more, for I have returned.

Today was a really good day. For the first time in seemingly months, a blue sky was visible and the temperature was actually quite mild. Kudos Mother Nature.

I got up at 7:00 and made it to the gym by 8:00. For some reason I don't have trouble doing this on a Saturday, but find it impossible during the week. Alas, I spent 30 minutes on the elliptical at an intensity level higher than I have done thus far and then ran/walked on the treadmill for 20 minutes or so.

I have to thank a friend of mine for inspiring me to revive my blog and also to remember why I am doing what I am doing. I said on day 1 that I simply wanted to exercise and be healthy. In the time I have been back to the gym, I have remembered how rewarding it all is. Yes, clothes fit more loosely and the numbers on the scale go down, but there is more to it. I love to push myself,
I love to sweat, to run, to challenge my body to see just what it is really capable of; and the feeling of getting stronger and more in shape is beyond imagination. I feel happier, more balanced, and content. This whole journey is about doing something I have never really done before; to be a little selfish and to focus on what I feel is best for me now.

Sorry for the rambling, I just get excited about all of this. It's just a good feeling, perhaps best described by Taio Cruz and Travie McCoy in their song Higher.

With my rambling completed,
I think it is necessary for me to get back to studying. A Physiology exam awaits on Monday.

My official weigh in for this week (last Wednesday) was 187lbs, for a total weight loss of 10.5lbs.

"I got my feet in the air and my head on the ground and the rest of my body's somewhere in the clouds..."

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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 9

My arms are killing me.

Ok, not really, but I worked my arms a lot today and even made some funny faces and grunt sounds when lifting; you know, the ones I used to make fun of people for. Haha. I think I will keep doing it though, my arms felt huge.

I managed the calories well today, until dinner. I didn't go over my allotment, though! I would have been even more calorically efficient had I not had dinner with a friend, but it was a good time and I was careful, so it's all good.

And now, without further adieu...the official weigh in results for the week were 193 lbs. I lost 4.5 lbs. last week!! While this is very exciting, I must not expect such every week, because, for one, such a substantial amount is not necessarily healthy and it is also not likely to lose so much each week.

That's one big step in the right direction.

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Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 8

I am so tired.

Monday has kicked me in the bum. I went to the University Fitness Center today to work out with some friends. I was reminded why I stopped going there. Something about the atmosphere makes me feel rushed. And, while there is generally a younger crowd and thus more eye candy, I feel uncomfortable around people who are considerably more fit than I am. I think I get discouraged because I begin to wonder if I will ever get to where they are. The answer I have come to is yes, I will. Maybe I won't look the way they do or be as strong as they are, but I will get to where they are in that I too will be comfortable with myself. It's not the result that counts anyway, it's the journey!

No official weigh in results today...oops. I should have them tomorrow!

Thin thoughts...thin thoughts...thin thoughts...

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Day 7

I think I felt a muscle.

Today was a good day. Rather productive; filled will good food, church with a good friend, studying, and a good visit to the gym.

I like the fact that I can feel my body changing. I always thought it took weeks to feel results from weight lifting (aside from the soreness of course). But I have to admit, my arms, chest, and legs feel bigger and more toned already! And best of all, my stomach is seemingly starting to tighten a little. This makes me happiest of all, because my stomach is probably my biggest issue. When I lost weight the first time I didn't lift weights, because, as I said, I thought it took forever to see results. Thus, since I didn't work on toning up as I was slimming down, I am still left with floppy skin on my arms and especially my stomach. Hopefully I can resolve some of that this time!

Sorry for the abbreviated post; I think sleep would be best as tomorrow is Monday. Tomorrow is also the first day of my second week of this endeavor! Weeee!!

Today's weight was 194.5 lbs. Up 0.5 lbs. from yesterday, but I will keep positive thoughts for tomorrow's official one week weigh in!

How low can you go??

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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 6

Don't let one day go by...

Today was a little crazy. I woke up later than I meant to, didn't have my morning coffee, had an ultralight breakfast, and was nearly late to my date today. Yeah, that's right, I had a date, haha. I had lunch and went to a movie with a guy I have been talking to and getting to know for a little over a year now. It was a good time, but the discussion of my date isn't the topic of today's post. At any rate, the craziness of the day continued after the movie when I noticed I had a really bad headache (Probably because, as I mentioned, I skipped my coffee this morning and I am a hopeless caffeine addict!). So, I decided to delay the plan I had to go to they gym after the date and went home, took some medicine, had a small snack, and drank a soda before laying down, in hopes of attending to all possible causes of my headache before it developed into a migraine. I laid down assuming I would take about an hour to nap, which is usual for me, and then head to the gym. Imagine my surprise when I woke four hours later! I felt a lot better, but was mildly frustrated since I hadn't worked out or studied at all today. I decided to skip the gym today, grab a quick dinner and hit the books. The entire time I was studying, I kept feeling down and bummed about how I'd skipped the gym; I didn't want to fall of the wagon. Finally, I decided to just do some physical activity in my apartment. It wasn't as intense as the gym, but I lifted some weights, did some crunches, push ups, and jumping jacks to get the blood flowing and felt much better after.

That is what I was referring to above. Don't let a day go by where you don't mind what you eat or do something physical. This is all about pushing yourself toward a goal. In the past, skipping a day has been the downfall of my weight loss efforts. I start to come down on myself for missing a day and everything spirals from there. I guess I need to be a little less critical on myself and keep my overall goals in mind!

So, I know I promised a 'legitimate post' yesterday, and I'm getting there, but before I forget, today's weight was 194 lbs.! Yay!

So, what happens when you finally reach your goal and you have a great, healthy body? Well, while outwardly your appearance will have transformed into something that is, in the words of Ke$ha, 'hot and dangerous', the body image you have internalized may not make such a change. I think it was one of the oddest and obscure things I realized after I lost my initial 80 lbs. Many people told me I looked so good and I even found myself being described as being 'small' or 'thin' and my mom, of course was concerned that I was losing too much weight. But even after all that, when I looked in the mirror, I still saw a fat kid. My mentality and personal image did not change to suit my outward appearance. While I think it is important for one to have self confidence and to be comfortable in their own skin, I also know that on some level I will always be insecure about my weight; it comes from 18 years of fat jokes and internalization of negative sentiments, which don't go away over night. I think it is simply importance to find a balance. Use the insecurities as fuel for continued self improvement, for no one is perfect. At the same time, recognize your accomplishments and remind yourself that you are awesome and be proud of yourself, because you are making changes to live a healthier life. Just don't be surprised if your increase in weight loss doesn't coincide directly with an increasingly positive body image. In many ways they are two separate things and you have to work to improve each of them individually.

Life's a garden; dig it!

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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 5

"Don't over do it..."

No, no, my title isn't there to advise you to not exert yourself. This is something I would never say; thus the quotations around the title. In fact, the credit of this utterance goes to my mother. She is an amazing woman who I love dearly, but she makes me laugh sometimes. I told her I was sore from the gym yesterday (before I went today of course). With concern in her voice she reminded me 'don't over do it'. Sure, this would be a warranted statement if I were attempting to run 45 miles a day or bench press 5 times my body weight (Ok, let's be honest, I don't bench press anything; I use weight machines.). Realistically I try to push myself everyday; be it working out, studying, or eating better, every day is a chance to push harder and get better. I just find my mom's comment ironic after yesterday's post about going big or going home. Then again, this is the woman who tells me I don't need to lose any more weight, in-spite of what my clothes, mirror, and BMI tell me. Ah, to be seen through the eyes of my mother.

While spending the last 15 rambling about my mom, I actually thought of a legitimate topic I would like to discuss, but alas, it will have to wait for tomorrow, for it is well passed my bedtime.

Today's weight was the same as it has been at 195.5 lbs. I burned 430 calories at the gym today with 30 minutes on the elliptical and 10 or so minutes running on the treadmill. I also came in around 300 calories below my allotted budget for the day; that's right, go me!

Patience is a virtue...

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Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 4

Go big or go home.

It's a mantra to live by. I want to be the best I can be in all things. I want to be the best medical student I can be so that I can be the best doctor I can be. At the same time, I want to be in the best shape I possibly can be; I'm in it to win it. All of it.

Today at the gym I did 30 minutes on the elliptical and about 30 minutes of weight lifting. Also, last night I did 30 minutes of cardio/stretching randomly in my apartment, just because I felt like being active. I am rather sore today, but it's a nice reminder of the work I am putting in, so I am happy with it.

I am also proud of myself for sticking to my guns thus far about regulating my caloric intake. I had dinner with a friend tonight. We cooked together, but before I even went to her house I had predetermined what I would eat and made sure I would be within my caloric limits for the day. I politely refused any additional food that was offered; I don't want to start back down that slippery slope.

As promised I weighed myself today. As could be expected there was no change, still at 195.5 lbs.

But alas, now it is time to rest my weary body (both mentally and physically), for tomorrow I move one step closer to my dreams coming true.

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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 3

All I do is win win win!

There is no match to the way you feel after a good work-out. Even when you feel like you are going to literally die throughout the workout, the sense of relief, accomplishment, and pride is unmatched.

I took some time away from studying tonight to watch the first episode of The Biggest Loser (on Hulu of course). I love the show and find it very inspiring. Every time I watch it though, I have the same thought. I want a season of The Biggest Loser to be dedicated to people who have already lost a substantial amount of weight but are struggling to lose the last 30 pounds or so. I think that is where a lot of my trouble lies. When you weigh 260 lbs and finally get off your bum, you start to see results relatively quickly. As the pounds seem to melt away, it's easy to get hyped up and want to work harder and harder to keep the weight coming off. I feel like its hard to establish that momentum when you are working to lose the last 20-30 pounds and the weight simply doesn't come off as quickly. But then again, I guess that's where you truly prove how much you want to be healthy and where you truly start to ramp up your workout, focus, and dedication.

I have decided to weigh myself daily for the first week. After the first week I will weight myself once a week on Monday morning. So, today's weight was down .5 lbs from yesterday; 195.5. An overall weight loss of 2 lbs.

It's time to make this happen; failure is not an option.

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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 2

Yep. I feel the burn.

I went to the gym again today. I did 30 minutes on the elliptical and then did about 20 minutes of weight lifting focusing mainly on my legs and arms. I really want to get the muscles in my left leg (atrophied due to recovering from a medial meniscus repair) strengthened by the spring so I can get back into running more.

I love hearing ads for weight loss solutions. Today I heard one that could trim up to 10 inches from your waste-line using a laser. That actually sounds terrifying. But the truth of the matter is that there is no easy solution (at least a long term one) to eliminate excess weight. Actually, I take that back, the solution is simple; get off your bum and stop eating so much crappy food. Simple in theory, not so simple to execute.

Speaking of putting down the crappy food, I am trying to make an honest effort to eat better. I recently discovered fruit. Ok, ok, kidding, but I am trying to add more fresh fruits and vegetables to my diet. Also, I have been reading food labels and recording my caloric intake in the Lose It app.

To be honest, I'm not trying to crash diet, or eliminate all things tasty. In fact, I had a bit of chocolate at lunch. I'm simply trying to pay more attention to what I put into my body and to exercise a greater sense of control and moderation.

I know my methods are successful. I've done it all before. Between sophomore year in high school and freshman year of undergrad I lost 80 pounds, going from 260 pounds to a respectable 180. Then, during the couple years of college I gained 40 pounds back. (Freshman 15? Shew, I wish!). During the summer before my senior year of undergrad and throughout my senior year I lost most of the aforementioned 40 pounds, slimming back down to 185 pounds. Then my weight loss scheme got a little off track resulting from knee surgery that left me on crutches for 6 weeks and in an immobilizing knee brace for two months. Even after being able to toss the crutches and the brace, my options for physical activity were limited and slowly but surely I began to pick weight back up, which brings us to the present and the aforementioned goals in yesterday's post.

I am not trying to look super buff or incredibly skinny; I just want to be healthy. I want to take care of the body I have been given and work on establishing a life style that will help me to treat my body right. Of course, I feel that I will look and feel better once I lose some weight, but I don't plan to stop trying to eat healthily and working out once I reach my goals; I'm in this for the long haul!

Oh, I hopped on the scale today, just out of curiosity. I know you aren't supposed to weigh yourself every day, but I did, so get over it. At any rate, my weight had decreased by 1.5 pounds, down to 196. Probably not all that accurate, but it gave me a nice boost! :)

I just gotta keep on keepin' on!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 1

So, here goes. I simply wanted a place where I could say nothing to anyone, or anything to noone. I am new to the world of blogging, so, I'm just gonna wing it.

Ok, here is the big issue. I simply misbehaved (with respect to caloric intake) during the holiday season. I gained a heart wrenching 10 pounds. Unacceptable.

As a student, preparing for finals often cosumes ALL of my time at the end of the semester, and thus, before today (01/03/2011) I hadn't been to the gym since Thanksgiving. But alas, I made my triumphant return today, and, after 30 minutes on the elliptical wanted to die. But, it was a good start.

Additionally I have reinstated the use of my 'Lose-it' app and will do my very best to not only record my daily caloric intake and physical activity, but also stay within the allotted caloric amounts.

So, here goes...the

My current weight is 197.5 lbs.
My goal weight is 160 lbs.
My height is 5'10.

I aim go lose around 2 pounds per week. I have arbitrarily set my first checkpoint on March 16, 2011 (my birthday) with the goal weight of 185 pounds.

And alas, let the games begin.

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